To help you get acquainted with 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, we have compiled the following information. 如果您有以下未解决的问题, please reach out to the contact for the department or area of need in the list you will see below.
学校的一天 信息
澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 | 学校 开始 | 学校 结束 | 后护理 |
湖边 | 8:15 am | 2:45 pm | 下午3时至6时 |
植物圣. | 8:15 am | 3:00 pm | 下午3:15 - 6:00 |
蒂尔登 | 8:00 am | 3:15 pm | 下午3:45 - 6:00 |
For information about when classes start and end for middle and high school students, please look for a copy of the bell schedule that will be with their packet for Meet the Teacher.
住 Connected
Here are a few resources that are designed for you to stay connected.
RenWeb /事实
RenWeb /事实
As an enrolled family, you should have your RenWeb Parent Login information. Students in grades 6 – 12 will use their own student accounts to access RenWeb (student login information will be provided by the IT department). 一旦学年开始, 在RenWeb, you can find up-to-date information during the year regarding class schedules, 类信息, 家庭作业, 出席, 还有家庭通讯录. 教师的电子邮件地址也被列出.
You will be emailed directly by teachers and/or staff for specific information as it relates to your student. Official school emails are sent from communication@foundationacdemy.网 and are the main means for communicating important information in a 蒂姆ely manner. All parents/guardians are added to the FA email list based on the information provided in their Family Portal. Visit RenWeb via our website to make updates to your family’s profile and make sure you receive those important emails.
For important school-wide announcements and information, 我们每周在我们的通迅中分享, 每周四发出. 订阅 and feel free to invite other family members to subscribe as well.
FA uses several social media sites to help keep families informed about what is happening on campus. The sites are primarily used to provide reminders for upcoming events, 学生照片, 教师, 和家庭, 学生的成就, 以及学校的日常活动.
住 informed about 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 学校 events is easy! Choose important calendars for your family and subscribe directly to each feed! 匆匆忙忙? Take a look at our calendar page for all the latest news.
查看 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场校历 在我们的网站上.
下载一个 可打印年视图 本学年的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场.
联系 Us
At some point, you’ll have a question or need to let us know something! Reach out to a staff member individually using our Directory emails, 或者在下面找到常用的电子邮件.
If calling, we have a mainline into each campus with extensions for individuals. 没有其他的直线了.
学费/事实 霍普·劳伦,财务助理 希望.laun@foundationacademy.网 | 课后护理-蒂尔登校区 帕特西福特 容易受骗的人.ford@foundationacademy.网 |
技术 蒂姆·内瑟斯,技术总监 蒂姆.网hers@foundationacademy.网 | P.A.W.S. 家长教师会 paws@foundationacademy.网 |
护理-植物街. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 坦尼娅墨菲 坦尼娅.murphy@foundationacademy.网 | 体育助推器俱乐部 boosters@foundationacademy.网 |
美术联盟 fineartsleague@foundationacademy.网 |
有帮助的 信息
Here you will find additional information about required forms, 校服, 体育注册, 延长护理选择.
Before attending school, all FA students are required to submit certain documents. To collect these documents, FA utilizes a system called Magnus. To access your required forms and submit those forms, 请访问人人网的医疗选项卡, 选择Magnus选项, 然后按照说明登录. 一旦你登录了, you will answer a series of questions that will determine the forms you are required to submit. 还提供了额外的指示和援助 发给你的邮件 在招生. 请浏览我们的 家长培训视频库 获取更多关于如何使用Magnus的信息.
下载一个 统一的指导方针
澳门威尼斯人网上赌场使用Risse Brothers制服. 他们在比乌拉路1401号有一家本地商店.34787楼冬季花园116-118室. You can call them for current hours of operation at 407-554-2253. They have our uniform options available in the store. 浏览有关校服的详细资料, please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook in the Renweb Portal and search “dress code”.
There are different guidelines for upper and lower school students so be sure to check for your child’s grade and campus.
所有 进入6 - 12年级的学生, 谁想在放学后在FA做运动, are required to submit 5 forms for entry into the athletics program. To access these forms, and submit them, please log in to Magnus through the Medical tab in Renweb. 方向 for Magnus login are listed in the section above titled Magnus – Required Forms.
访问体育表格, please ensure you have selected YES to the Conditional Question in Magnus that asks: “Will your child be participating in school 体育运动 AND enrolled in 6th – 12年级?”
有关体育方面的问题,请联系: 丽莎.Eaves@foundationacademy.网
Visit the 体育运动 section of our website and follow @FAathletics on 脸谱网, Instagram, and 推特 for the most up-to-date 体育运动 information.
早上照顾 & 课后照顾
早上照顾 & 课后照顾
Complimentary Morning care is provided at the 湖边 and 植物街澳门威尼斯人网上赌场es beginning at 7:30 am. 具体地点将会公布.
Extended care is provided until 6:00 pm at all campuses. For details and registration, please click the link below.
澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 requests a photo of each student for the Student ID Card. You may submit your photo online or take your photo at the Meet the Teacher Event.
FA烈酒店 has exclusive FA Athletic and Casual wear from brands like
Whether you are looking to beat the heat with some DriFit or
when the weather breaks and you are looking to stay warm in style, FA烈酒店 has it!
想要 学习 更多关于FA的信息?
在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场,我们有很多东西可以分享. Request more information today to get the full scope of what our school has to offer.